
How Often Should I Update My Estate Plan?

If you created an estate plan or will, it is important to review and update them regularly. If you have not planned for your estate or any other end-of-life plans, now is the time to do so. According to a Gallup poll in 2021, over 54 percent of American adults do not have a will. …

Can I Be Reimbursed if My House Is Damaged in a Natural Disaster?

Floods, blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes can put homeowners and others at risk. If you own a home and have a homeowners insurance policy, you might think that you are fully covered, but that is not always true. How do insurance companies handle reimbursement for damages from natural disasters? Checking over your homeowners insurance is key to …

What Are Common Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid?

Today, there are legal documents like wills and trusts that help ensure someone’s wishes will be carried out upon their passing or when they become incapacitated. If mistakes are made during the estate planning process, they are likely to show up at a later time. It is important to set specific goals, have ways for …

How Can You Encourage Your Parents to Plan for Retirement?

Many people may be surprised to find out that their parents are unprepared for retirement. According to a study by Northwestern Mutual, over 78 percent of Americans are concerned about not having enough money for retirement. Yet, a FinanceBuzz survey shows that 35 percent of people do not have any savings or money set aside …

What Are Forever Chemicals?

“Forever chemicals” is a commonly used term for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The term “forever chemicals” was coined because these chemicals are not readily degradable, so they never break down in the environment. PFAS have been found in American groundwater, drinking water, and soil. In a troublesome finding, studies from the CDC show that …

What Is a Living Trust?

In estate planning, you will often hear about two types of important documents that relate to dividing up your property and other assets: trusts and wills. They have a relation to each other but are separate. If you own any assets, you might have specific desires as to who will receive them upon your passing. …

What Are Brownfields?

A brownfield refers to any piece of developed land that is not in use due to potential environmental contamination. Many brownfields are former industrial sites. A brownfield contains either known environmental hazards or is suspected of containing hazardous materials. That means it will be necessary to remove the waste to make a brownfield a viable …

Why Do I Need a Lawyer for a Denied Insurance Claim?

While most people might fill out an insurance claim without worrying about anything going wrong, problems can and do arise. You may believe that if you pay the premiums on time, your insurance claim will be processed accordingly. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Insurance lawyers provide legal advice to clients who need help …

What Are Common Insurance Disputes?

When you purchase insurance, your agent will likely be pleasant, attentive, and most importantly, responsive to your questions and concerns about the policy. Unfortunately, that demeanor can shift when it is time to file a claim. You might find it more difficult to contact your agent when you are seeking compensation for an accident. They …

What Is the Probate Process in New Jersey?

You may have heard of probate, but it may be unfamiliar unless you have dealt with a will. Probate is a process used by courts to enforce the provisions of a will. Probate also manages any disputes that might arise about the decedent’s estate. If there is a person named as the executor for the …

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