
Category: Environmental Law

EPA Designates PFOA and PFOS as CERCLA Hazardous Substances

On April 19, 2024, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its new final rule designating two PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals,” perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA).[1] This action, which comes on the heels of the EPA’s April …

Are Asbestos-Cement Pipes Contaminating Water?

In the early 1980s, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned all asbestos-related products, which halted the manufacturing and installation of asbestos-cement (AC) pipes. Although these asbestos-lined pipes were removed, many existing AC pipes are still in use. Today, AC pipes account for more than 600,000 miles of the United States and Canada’s water distribution …

Is Air Pollution Worse in the Colder Months?

While the topic of air pollution does not get as much news coverage as global warming, it is still a serious worldwide problem. International efforts to combat polluted air started in 1972, yet the World Health Organization (WHO) has claimed that polluted air is the world’s biggest environmental health risk. Air pollution can be even …

What Are the Dangers of Pesticide Exposure?

Pesticides are widely used in both the commercial and consumer markets to address problems like insect infestations. However, the ingredients that make pesticides toxic to common pests make them toxic to humans, too. This means that humans who come into contact with pesticides may experience acute or chronic health problems. Many individuals have worked with …

How To Know If Well Water is Contaminated?

Public water systems are continually tested for different pollutants and pathogens. On the contrary, the testing of private well water systems is left up to the people who own them. This means that if you are among the 15 million households in the U.S. that get their water from a private well water system, it …

Does ISRA Apply to My New Business Development?

ISRA stands for Industrial Site Recovery Act, a New Jersey law passed in 1993 to supplement and amend the Environmental Cleanup Responsibility Act of 1983. These laws recognize the impact of toxic chemicals and contamination of the land on the state of New Jersey and the health of its citizens. ISRA requires that contaminated industrial …

How Do I File a Toxic Tort Claim?

A toxic tort claim results from a person’s injury or illness relating to their exposure to a toxic chemical. However, proving you were exposed and that any illness or injury you may have suffered stems from that exposure, is difficult. To get the help you deserve, speak with a toxic tort lawyer today. Examples of …

What is the New Initiative to Enforce Silica Dust Standards?

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) recently announced their new initiative to uphold its current respirable crystalline silica standards. Otherwise known as quartz, silica is a common material found on construction, mining, oil, or gas sites, and is generally found in the soil, concrete, sand, rock, granite, and other materials. …

What Is the Difference Between Mold Assessment and Mold Remediation?

Mold inside your home or your business can lead to adverse health conditions for whomever occupies the building. Removing mold can be a complicated multi-step process that at times require professionals and experts to intervene. Mold assessment and mold remediation are two vital parts of the multi-step process and are often confused with one another. …

What Is the Site Remediation Process?

In the United States, regulatory agencies and guidelines require remedial action in locations that are polluted by past industrial activity or a single environmental event. Site remediation is the process of removing surface water, groundwater, soil, or sediment that is polluted or contaminated to reduce the harmful impact to people, animals, and the environment. New …

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