
Month: March 2023

An Unusual Occasion to Get Penalties Paid Money Back from the Federal Government

By Robert S. Schwartz, Esq. On February 28, 2023, the United States Supreme Court held that the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) exceeded its statutory authority by collecting excessive penalties on federal income taxpayers for their negligent failures to timely file accurate, annual foreign financial information reports, variously known as the Foreign Bank Account Report, or …

How Does Insurance Law Help in Cases of Natural Disasters?

Each year, natural disasters impact people’s lives and leave them anguished, defenseless, and left to deal with challenging aftermaths. FastCompany reports that in 2022, 18 natural disasters cost $165 billion (Hurricane Ian accounted for $113 billion of that sum) and killed hundreds. Since these disasters are unpredictable and can cause unprecedented damage to homes and …

Does Insurance Law Cover Premises Liability Claims?

Premises liability can be part of a homeowners’ or business insurance policy and is used to cover damages when a third party becomes injured on a property and files a personal injury claim. Like any other type of insurance case, there can be two or more sides to a story and the help of an …

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