Internal Revenue Code Changes of Widespread Interest in the House Passed Version of President Biden’s Build Back Better Act

Build Back Better Act Legislative Process
On November 19, 2021, the House of Representatives passed a version of President Biden’s Build Back Better Act (“BBB”). Unfortunately, the Office of the Clerk of the House does not update legislative text as neatly as one would like. Consequently, since the passed House bill was never placed on the Senate calendar to be considered by the Senate, the closest version of what was passed in the House is Rules Committee Print 117-18, a text of 2135 pages (published on November 3, 2021). Using that as a base, the only changes that were made after November 3 are two Manager’s Amendments: Amendment to the Rules Committee Print 117-18, a text of 9 pages (November 4, 2021) and Amendment to the Rules Committee Print 117-18, a text of 6 pages (November 18, 2021). We focus you on BBB federal tax changes with widespread application, because they passed the House, albeit not becoming law (emphasis added). We believe they will reappear in one or more future tax bills, along with many of the other tax changes in the BBB.
New Gross Income Tax
Beginning 2022, with complex, limited exceptions, BBB imposes a new gross income tax on Form 1040 and Form 1041 tax return filers whose “modified adjusted gross income,” as specially defined, exceeds stated thresholds.
Filing Status
All individual filing status except married filing separately
Married filing separately
Trusts and Estates
Modified Adjusted Gross Income Threshold
MAGI exceeding $10,000,000
MAGI exceeding $25,000,000
MAGI exceeding $5,000,000
MAGI exceeding $12,500,000
MAGI exceeding $200,000
MAGI exceeding $500,000
Income Tax
5% of excess
Additional 3%
5% of excess
Additional 3%
5% of excess
Additional 3%
Medicare 3.8% Excise Tax, Tax Increase
Beginning 2022, BBB broadens the tax base of the Internal Revenue Code Section 1411 3.8% of “net investment income” Medicare excise tax by adding to it the ordinary net income of a person actively involved in a trade or business conducted as a sole proprietorship or through a pass-through entity such as a limited liability company or general partnership. BBB also increases the “modified adjusted gross income,” as specially defined, threshold amounts that are necessary to exceed for imposition of the tax.
Filing Status
Head of Household
Married Filing Jointly and Surviving Spouse
Married Filing Separately
Trusts and Estates
Modified Adjusted Gross Income Threshold
Itemized Deduction for State and Local Taxes
Beginning 2021 and through 2030, BBB increases the itemized deduction to $80,000 for all individual filing statuses except married filing separately which is increased to $40,000. $40,000 is the maximum deduction for trusts and estates as well.
Business Net Operating Loss Carryover Deduction
The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act had included a limitation on the amount of business net operating losses that can be carried forward to offset business taxable income in later years. The deduction limitation as enacted was 80% of a non-corporate taxpayer’s taxable income in a carryforward year. Owing to the outbreak of COVID, Congress suspended the 80% limitation. BBB eliminates the suspension beginning with 2021.
New Excise Tax on Stock Repurchases
Beginning 2022 corporations with publicly traded stock pay an excise tax equal to 1% of the fair market value of stock redeemed from shareholders during any year unless the value of stock redeemed during the year is less than one million.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Robert S. Schwartz, Esq., at 908-647-1022, or contact him at [email protected] for further information or assistance.
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