
Category: Insurance Law

What Are Some Mistakes to Look Out for In My Insurance Plan?

Every person and family should have adequate insurance coverage, with these policies at a minimum: Business owners and people with large estates or other unique circumstances will often require additional insurance coverages. Insurance is a vital part of a financial plan, even if some view it as a necessary evil. The truth is that insurance, …

Can a Lawyer Help with a Denied Insurance Claim?

If you believe your insurance claim was incorrectly denied, hiring an experienced insurance attorney can improve your chances of successfully overturning the company’s decision. In fact, hiring an attorney even before filing the initial claim greatly increases the likelihood your claim will be approved. Insurance companies employ different tactics based on whether the claimant has …

What are Consequential Damages in an Insurance Contract?

All contracts must be made in good faith with the intent to do as you agreed. An insurance policy is a contract between the buyer and the insurance underwriter. When valid claims are filed, the insurer should honor them and pay the policyholder in a reasonably prompt manner. For example, when you buy an auto …

What Types of Insurance Should I Get to Protect My Business?

Whether you own a small business or are on the board of directors for a large corporation, your business needs insurance protection. Insurance protects against a variety of perils. Many perils could cause partial or complete destruction of your business in a number of ways. For example, a business might burn down which destroys all …

Can I Be Reimbursed if My House Is Damaged in a Natural Disaster?

Floods, blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes can put homeowners and others at risk. If you own a home and have a homeowners insurance policy, you might think that you are fully covered, but that is not always true. How do insurance companies handle reimbursement for damages from natural disasters? Checking over your homeowners insurance is key to …

Why Do I Need a Lawyer for a Denied Insurance Claim?

While most people might fill out an insurance claim without worrying about anything going wrong, problems can and do arise. You may believe that if you pay the premiums on time, your insurance claim will be processed accordingly. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Insurance lawyers provide legal advice to clients who need help …

What Are Common Insurance Disputes?

When you purchase insurance, your agent will likely be pleasant, attentive, and most importantly, responsive to your questions and concerns about the policy. Unfortunately, that demeanor can shift when it is time to file a claim. You might find it more difficult to contact your agent when you are seeking compensation for an accident. They …

What Should I Do if I Have a Problem With My Travel Insurance Claim?

Experienced travelers understand the importance of buying travel insurance. Travel insurance coverage can include a cancellation policy as well as adverse events that might take place during the trip. Yet, even if you have a paid policy in place, it can still be challenging to make claims and receive what you are rightfully owed. With …

How Can I Tell if My Insurance Company Is Acting in Bad Faith?

When you file an insurance claim, your insurance company may drag their feet. If they do that or act in other questionable ways, they may be acting in bad faith. Bad faith occurs when an insurance company acts in a way that violates its duty to their policyholders. Insurance companies must treat people fairly and …

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