Craig Provorny Secures Judgment and Fiscal Oversight in Commercial Dispute Involving Closely Held Corporate Entities
April 23, 2010
After an eighteen day trial, on April 20, 2010, the Honorable Deanne Wilson, J.S.C., Chancery Division, Morris County, awarded Plaintiffs Yurdanur Adiguzelli and the Estate of Ayas Adiguzelli damages in the amount of $320,000 against Defendants Mehmet Adiguzelli and Turgay Adiguzelli. Plaintiffs were represented by Craig Provorny of Herold Law, P.A. The case involved a family dispute among the parents and their two sons concerning the theft by the sons of an Islamic Halal slaughterhouse and Halal meat market from their parents, and the profits that were owed. This trial covered the 2003 through 2005 time period where Defendants claimed the businesses did not earn any profit and had in fact incurred losses. Judge Wilson rejected Defendants arguments and awarded judgment in favor of Plaintiffs. In a prior trial, Herold Law secured damages and interest against Defendants of approximately $2,300,000 for lost profits and related damages that were incurred during the time period 1991 through 2002.
Equally as important as the damage award in this most recent trial, Judge Wilson appointed a Special Fiscal Agent to install financial controls for the two businesses, whose accounting records were virtually non-existent. The Special Fiscal Agent will also have the power to determine profits of the two businesses for the years 2006 through 2009 and to issue periodic reports to the Court.